
In nature, bamboo is found in wild and rarely found in proper cultivation. Bamboo being fastest growing plant, it demands best agronomy and agricultural practises to realise bamboo's full yield potential. Bamboo can be cultivated as a crop involving best agronomical practises, adequate supply of nutrient in the form of fertilizer, regular application of water through drip irrigation, timely weeding, pruning, soil earthing up and harvesting at the optimum clump and culm age.

The method of cultivation gets altered as per soil condition, direct farming of bamboo species and end use of bamboo. The spacing between bamboo plants within a row and spacing between two rows of bamboo also decided based on purpose for which bamboo is cultivated.

In general, wider spacing between bamboo is adopted for tall growing bamboo as well as when bamboo is cultivated for larger diameter. It is used in construction, strip board, special furniture etc.

Bamboos grows well in the equatorial belt region where it receives good amount of sunlight. Since, bamboo is shallow rooted and fast-growing demand for nutrient is higher than most other plants and trees. Though the percentage of nutrient is relatively lower than any other plant species.

Demand for water in bamboo is based on species, local climatic condition such as temperature, relative humidity, sunshine intensity hours, wind velocity. The amount of water required depends on the water holding capacity of the soil. In general water required for bamboo varies between 1500 – 2500 mm per year. And mostly water required for broader leaved species is higher when compared to normal leaved bamboo species.

Success of cultivation depends on the appropriate selection of suitable species to a location and consult us with the climatic data to select the best suited species.

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