GROWMORE BIOTECH LTD. is a company in existence for the past 23 years. The company excelled in providing high quality plants to farmers, industries and Government departments in India and Exporting to several countries, such as Srilanka, South Africa, Philippines,Indonesia, Argentina, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Madagascar, Mauritius, Malawi, Ghana, Germany, Cambodia, Mozambique, etc.
Bamboo is cultivable by small & large farmers and in large captive farms that can generate highest returns.
Our bamboo’s are grown in many parts of India, Srilanka, South Africa, Philippines, Indonesia, Argentina etc.
GROWMORE BIOTECH LTD. is a company in existence for the past 23 years. The company excelled in providing high quality plants to farmers, industries and Government departments in India and exported to several countries, such as Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Germany,Sri Lanka, South Africa, Philippines, Indonesia, Argentina, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Madagascar, Mauritius, Malawi, Ghana, Cambodia, Mozambique, Oman, Brazil, Jamaica, Malaysia, etc.
What we do at our facilities :
Dec 15, 2017
How about planting bamboo extensively along the banks of the Yamuna to sequester the carbon from Delhi’s vehicle emissions?